Chunk Upload


The objective of these methods is to enable uploads of large documents without incurring a timeout. We suggest using these methods for individual file sizes of 250KB and above; we require using these methods for individual file sizes of 3MB and above.

The following web service methods allow the user to upload a file or more asynchronously to submitting a fax for transmission. They allow the user to upload the data in parts, so as to avoid the file size and timeout limits of a single upload.

Once the upload has been completed, you may submit your fax for transmission, while referencing the SessionID of the upload you have just completed. A typical usage will use the StartFileUpload method once, then use the UploadFileChunk method multiple times, each time uploading a part of the data. Once the data has been uploaded completely, a call to a SendfaxEx_2 is made. The call will provide a reference to uploaded data instead of providing the data as a parameter.

Method Reference


Description: Starts an upload session. Should be called first.

Name Type Comments
Username String As provided during registration
Password String As provided during registration


Name Type Comments
SessionID String SessionID is an InterFAX-returned string to be used in a subsequent fax submission.


Description: Sends a buffer to the InterFAX host. Buffer size may vary between calls.

Name Type Comments
SessionID String As received in the StartFileUpload method above.
Chunk base64Binary Chunk of the file to be uploaded. Can be up to 3 MB. Recommended chunk size is between 50,000 to 200,000 bytes. The maximum total file size (of all chunks) is 20 MB.
IsLast Boolean Is this the last chunk or not.


Name Type Comments
UploadFileChunkResult Integer Any positive value = OK. The value indicates the total number of bytes uploaded so far.
-150 = System error
-1061 = Missing chunk
-1062 = SessionID incorrect
-1063 = Total file size too big


Description: Cancels an already started session. There is no need to use it at the end of an upload session.

Name Type Comments
SessionID String SessionID of the active upload to be cancelled.