

This method enables the retrieval of a list of received faxes.

Note that this method is rate-limited, as defined under System Limitations

Formal Definition


Name Type Comments
Username String As provided during registration
Password String As provided during registration
TransactionID Integer If TransactionID contains a non-zero value, a specific transaction is fetched (and other fields in QueryForm are ignored). If TransactionID is 0, the RecieveTime verb and data pair is used to set a condition on ReceiveTime.
UserID String Username for whom the inbound fax list is requested
OnlyNewMessages Boolean TRUE returns only messages not marked as “Read”. FALSE returns all messages.
Verb String Option 1: one of the following comparison operators: <<= , > , >= , =
Option 2: the string BETWEEN
VerbData String Option 1: a valid date
Option 2: two comma-separated dates
The format for both options is either yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
MaxChunkSize Integer The maximum number of records returned by this method.
FromRecordNumber Integer The (zero-based) offset of the first record returned by this method.


Name Type Comments
MessageItems Array Output parameter: array of MessageItem2.
ResultCode Integer 0 – OK
< 0 – Error, see Appendix A
TotalTransactionsNum Integer All transactions that match the condition specified when calling GetList2.
Querying using GetList2 results in limited items each time (See System Limitations), but the TotalTransactionsNum can be much more than that (according to the query). Since the resulted items are limited, the FromRecordsNumber is used as paging: getting each time the next results

MessageItem2 Definition

Name Type Comments
UserID String
MessageID Integer Message ID number
PhoneNumber String Interfax phone number
RemoteCSID String Sending party CSID (up to 20 characters).
MessageStatus Integer 0 = OK
< 0 = Error, see Interfax Error Codes
Pages Integer Number of pages
MessageSize Integer Message size in bytes
MessageType Short Currently 1 constant
ReceiveTime DateTime Time of fax reception
CallerID String Sender phone number, if Caller ID available
MessageRecordingDuration Integer Duration of inbound fax in seconds
ImageStatus String One of the following values: READUNREADDONT_EXIST
NumOfEmails Integer The number of email addresses this fax was forwarded to. (For the actual email addresses use method GetInboundLogEmails).
NumOfFailedEmails Integer The number of email addresses this fax was attempted to be forwarded to but failed. (For the actual email addresses use method GetInboundLogEmails).