Fax ASP – Advanced Transmission with SendfaxEx2 (VB.NET fax code)

25 Nov 2016 This code sample is deprecated and in process of being removed. Check out our new code libraries and usage documentation on InterFAX @ Github.

This example shows you how to send a fax from ASP using VB.NET fax code (aspx.vb), with one or more attached files, using the SendfaxEx_2 method. This method allows full control over all fax transmission aspects.

The fax ASP script requires a proxy object which can be downloaded here. To create a fresh proxy class, see instructions here.

'The strFileType is a constant in this sample.
Dim objWS As Interfax.Interfax 'Reference to local webservice proxy connector
Dim SendFaxResult as integer
objWS = new Interfax.Interfax
Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream 'Reference to Filestream object
' Read data from binary file (PDF, Word, ...)
' Make sure the file exists and ASPX script has access to the file.
fs = IO.File.Open("C:\temp\1.pdf", IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read)
' Allocate a byte array accoording to file length
Dim FilesData(fs.Length - 1) As Byte
' Read the entire file
fs.Read(FilesData, 0, fs.Length)
' Cleanup Stream
fs = Nothing
' Obtain the file type

objWS.SendfaxEx_2( "", "", "+1 212 345 6789", "", FilesData, _
"PDF", FilesData.Length, Now, 3, "MyCSID", "", "", "Fax Subject", "myaddress@mydomain.com", _
"Letter", "Landscape", False, True)

objWS = Nothing

If SendFaxResult > 0 Then
Response.Write("Fax submitted. Transaction ID: " & SendFaxResult)
Response.Write("Error sending fax. Return code: " & SendFaxResult)
End If


Read more about our fax ASP.NET simple fax transmission.