Encrypting inbound faxes

InterFAX is an enterprise-grade fax-to-email service, providing secure faxing with strong encryption, SSL access and HIPAA compliance. For an introduction to InterFAX's encryption features, see our encrypted fax solution page.

This page explains how to enable encryption for inbound faxes.
Please see the following articles if you need help Encrypting outbound fax messages or Encrypting fax confirmations.

Enabling Encryption for Inbound Fax Messages

The security of messages received through InterFAX may be enhanced by having the emails representing fax messages, sent to you in an encrypted format by our systems. While this will not encrypt the fax transmission from your correspondent's fax machine to our fax servers, it will secure the contents of the message while it is in transit from our servers to your computer.

Developers please note: When receiving faxes through the Interfax XML Web Service, you may use SSL to access our servers securely at https://ws.interfax.net

To encrypt fax messages when they are sent to you as emails, we need to have your digital signature;

Send InterFAX your public key 'signature'

This step only needs to be done once.

Send a signed (not encrypted) email message to digitalid@interfax.net from the email address from which you intend to send your faxes, and InterFAX will automatically associate the sender address with this digital signature. Any feedback returned to this address will from then on will be encrypted.

Please Note: This will also encrypt inbound fax messages if there is an inbound service active, see below for more information;

To cancel encryption, simply send a second unsigned email message to digitalid@interfax.net.

Related Articles

Encrypting outbound faxes
Encrypting feedback for faxes

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